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reaction against something

  • 1 reaction

    Reaktion, die (to auf + Akk.)

    reaction against something — Widerstand gegen etwas

    what was his reaction?wie hat er reagiert?

    * * *
    1) (the act of reacting: What was his reaction to your remarks?; I get a bad reaction from penicillin; I'd like to ask you for your reactions to these suggestions.) die Reaktion
    2) (a change of opinions, feelings etc (usually against someone or something): The new government was popular at first, but then a reaction began.) die Rückwirkung
    3) (a process of change which occurs when two or more substances are put together: (a) nuclear reaction; a chemical reaction between iron and acid.) die Reaktion
    * * *
    1. (response) Reaktion f (to auf + akk)
    what was his \reaction when you told him you were leaving him? wie reagierte er, als du ihm sagtest, du würdest ihn verlassen?
    there has been a widespread \reaction against the government's proposed tax increases die von der Regierung vorgesehenen Steuererhöhungen stoßen weitgehend auf Ablehnung
    chain \reaction Kettenreaktion f
    \reactions pl Reaktionsfähigkeit f kein pl, Reaktionsvermögen nt kein pl
    to have quick \reactions ein gutes Reaktionsvermögen haben
    3. MED Reaktion f
    to cause a \reaction in [certain] people bei [bestimmten] Personen eine Reaktion hervorrufen
    to have an allergic \reaction to sth auf etw akk allergisch reagieren
    4. CHEM, PHYS Reaktion f
    nuclear \reaction Kernreaktion f
    \reaction accelerator Reaktionsbeschleuniger m
    \reaction chain Reaktionskette f
    \reaction flask Reaktionskolben m
    \reaction of formation Bildungsreaktion f
    5. no pl POL ( pej form) Reaktion f pej
    the forces of \reaction die reaktionären Kräfte
    6. (opposite response) [Gegen]reaktion f
    action and \reaction Wirkung f und Gegenwirkung f, Aktion f und Reaktion f
    * * *
    1) (= response CHEM, PHYS) Reaktion f (to auf +acc, against gegen)

    what was his reaction to your suggestion? — wie hat er auf Ihren Vorschlag reagiert?, wie war seine Reaktion auf Ihren Vorschlag?

    2) (POL) Reaktion f
    3) (MIL) Gegenschlag m
    4) (ST__NBSP;EX) Umschwung m, Rückgang m
    * * *
    reaction [rıˈækʃn; riː-] s
    1. a) (to) Reaktion f (auf akk), Verhalten n (auf eine Sache hin, bei), Stellungnahme f (zu):
    what was their reaction to …? wie haben sie auf … reagiert?
    b) pl Reaktionsfähigkeit f, -vermögen n
    2. POL Reaktion f (auch als Bewegung), Rückschritt(lertum) m(n)
    3. Reaktion f (from, against gegen), Rück-, Gegenwirkung f (on, upon auf akk)
    4. WIRTSCH rückläufige Bewegung, (Kurs-, Preis- etc) Rückgang m
    5. MIL Gegenstoß m, -schlag m
    6. MED Reaktion f:
    a) Rückwirkung f
    b) Probe f
    7. CHEM Reaktion f, Umwandlung f
    8. PHYS
    a) Reaktion f, Rückwirkung f
    b) Kernreaktion f
    9. ELEK Rückwirkung f, -kopp(e)lung f:
    reaction capacitor Rückkopplungskondensator m
    * * *
    Reaktion, die (to auf + Akk.)
    * * *
    Gegenwirkung f.
    Reaktion -en f.

    English-german dictionary > reaction

  • 2 reaction

    1) (the act of reacting: What was his reaction to your remarks?; I get a bad reaction from penicillin; I'd like to ask you for your reactions to these suggestions.) reaksjon
    2) (a change of opinions, feelings etc (usually against someone or something): The new government was popular at first, but then a reaction began.) reaksjon
    3) (a process of change which occurs when two or more substances are put together: (a) nuclear reaction; a chemical reaction between iron and acid.) reaksjon
    subst. \/rɪˈækʃ(ə)n\/
    1) motstand, opposisjon, reaksjon, omslag
    2) ( overført) reaksjon
    3) ( mekanikk) tilbakevirkning, mottrykk
    4) ( kjemi e.l.) reaksjon
    5) ( radio) tilbakekobling
    forces of reaction reaksjonære krefter
    reaction against reaksjon mot
    reaction (up)on (på)virkning på
    reaction to reaksjon på

    English-Norwegian dictionary > reaction

  • 3 reaction

    * * *
    1) (the act of reacting: What was his reaction to your remarks?; I get a bad reaction from penicillin; I'd like to ask you for your reactions to these suggestions.) reakcja
    2) (a change of opinions, feelings etc (usually against someone or something): The new government was popular at first, but then a reaction began.) reakcja
    3) (a process of change which occurs when two or more substances are put together: (a) nuclear reaction; a chemical reaction between iron and acid.) reakcja

    English-Polish dictionary > reaction

  • 4 reaction

    1) (the act of reacting: What was his reaction to your remarks?; I get a bad reaction from penicillin; I'd like to ask you for your reactions to these suggestions.) reaktion
    2) (a change of opinions, feelings etc (usually against someone or something): The new government was popular at first, but then a reaction began.) reaktion mod
    3) (a process of change which occurs when two or more substances are put together: (a) nuclear reaction; a chemical reaction between iron and acid.) reaktion
    * * *
    1) (the act of reacting: What was his reaction to your remarks?; I get a bad reaction from penicillin; I'd like to ask you for your reactions to these suggestions.) reaktion
    2) (a change of opinions, feelings etc (usually against someone or something): The new government was popular at first, but then a reaction began.) reaktion mod
    3) (a process of change which occurs when two or more substances are put together: (a) nuclear reaction; a chemical reaction between iron and acid.) reaktion

    English-Danish dictionary > reaction

  • 5 reaction

    1) (the act of reacting: What was his reaction to your remarks?; I get a bad reaction from penicillin; I'd like to ask you for your reactions to these suggestions.) odziv
    2) (a change of opinions, feelings etc (usually against someone or something): The new government was popular at first, but then a reaction began.) reakcija
    3) (a process of change which occurs when two or more substances are put together: (a) nuclear reaction; a chemical reaction between iron and acid.) reakcija
    * * *
    nasproten pritisk, odpor, nasprotno delovanje ( against proti), reakcija, reagiranje (to na); military protisunek, protinapad, protiudarec; chemistry reakcija, delovanje (on na); electrical nasprotno delovanje; težnja, tendenca za povratno, retrogradno delovanje, nazadovanje, retrogradni vpliv; odziv organizma na določen dražljaj; figuratively obrat, nagla sprememba, preokret; politics reakcija, nazadnjaštvo, odpor in nasprotovanje družbenemu napredku, težnja po obnovitvi starih, preživelih oblik
    what was her reaction to this news?kako je reagirala (se zadržala) ob tej novici?

    English-Slovenian dictionary > reaction

  • 6 reaction

    1) (the act of reacting: What was his reaction to your remarks?; I get a bad reaction from penicillin; I'd like to ask you for your reactions to these suggestions.) reacción
    2) (a change of opinions, feelings etc (usually against someone or something): The new government was popular at first, but then a reaction began.) reacción
    3) (a process of change which occurs when two or more substances are put together: (a) nuclear reaction; a chemical reaction between iron and acid.) reacción
    reaction n reacción
    1 reacción nombre femenino
    reaction [ri'ækʃən] n
    : reacción f
    reacción s.f.
    count & mass noun reacción f

    what was her reaction to the news? — ¿cómo reaccionó or cuál fue su reacción frente a or ante la noticia?

    1. N
    1) (=response) reacción f

    what was his reaction to your suggestion? — ¿cuál fue su reacción a tu sugerencia?, ¿cómo reaccionó frente a tu sugerencia?

    2) reactions (=reflexes) reacciones fpl
    3) (Pol) pej reacción f

    the forces of reaction — las fuerzas de la reacción, las fuerzas reaccionarias

    4) (Chem) reacción f

    reaction time Ntiempo m de reacción

    * * *
    count & mass noun reacción f

    what was her reaction to the news? — ¿cómo reaccionó or cuál fue su reacción frente a or ante la noticia?

    English-spanish dictionary > reaction

  • 7 reaction

    1) (the act of reacting: What was his reaction to your remarks?; I get a bad reaction from penicillin; I'd like to ask you for your reactions to these suggestions.) réaction
    2) (a change of opinions, feelings etc (usually against someone or something): The new government was popular at first, but then a reaction began.) réaction
    3) (a process of change which occurs when two or more substances are put together: (a) nuclear reaction; a chemical reaction between iron and acid.) réaction

    English-French dictionary > reaction

  • 8 reaction

    1) (the act of reacting: What was his reaction to your remarks?; I get a bad reaction from penicillin; I'd like to ask you for your reactions to these suggestions.) reacção
    2) (a change of opinions, feelings etc (usually against someone or something): The new government was popular at first, but then a reaction began.) reacção
    3) (a process of change which occurs when two or more substances are put together: (a) nuclear reaction; a chemical reaction between iron and acid.) reacção
    * * *
    [ri'ækʃən] n 1 reação (freqüentemente usado em substituição às palavras: opinion, attitude, response, feeling), resposta. 2 Chem reação, combinação. 3 Psych resposta orgânica a um estímulo. reaction coupling acoplamento por reação.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > reaction

  • 9 reaction

    1) (the act of reacting: What was his reaction to your remarks?; I get a bad reaction from penicillin; I'd like to ask you for your reactions to these suggestions.) viðbragð
    2) (a change of opinions, feelings etc (usually against someone or something): The new government was popular at first, but then a reaction began.) gagnverkun
    3) (a process of change which occurs when two or more substances are put together: (a) nuclear reaction; a chemical reaction between iron and acid.) (efna)hvörf

    English-Icelandic dictionary > reaction

  • 10 reaction

    ellenhatás, visszahatás, válasz, reakció, reagálás
    * * *
    1) (the act of reacting: What was his reaction to your remarks?; I get a bad reaction from penicillin; I'd like to ask you for your reactions to these suggestions.) reagálás
    2) (a change of opinions, feelings etc (usually against someone or something): The new government was popular at first, but then a reaction began.) reakció
    3) (a process of change which occurs when two or more substances are put together: (a) nuclear reaction; a chemical reaction between iron and acid.) reakció

    English-Hungarian dictionary > reaction

  • 11 reaction

    n. reaksiyon, tepki, tepkime, karşı kuvvet, tepme, geri tepme, gericilik, irtica, alerji
    * * *
    1. reaksiyon 2. tepkime
    * * *
    1) (the act of reacting: What was his reaction to your remarks?; I get a bad reaction from penicillin; I'd like to ask you for your reactions to these suggestions.) tepki, reaksiyon
    2) (a change of opinions, feelings etc (usually against someone or something): The new government was popular at first, but then a reaction began.) tepki
    3) (a process of change which occurs when two or more substances are put together: (a) nuclear reaction; a chemical reaction between iron and acid.) reaksiyon, tepki

    English-Turkish dictionary > reaction

  • 12 reaction

    • palaute
    • vastavaikutus(tekniikka)
    • vastavaikutus (tek.)
    • vastakaiku
    • vastavaikutus
    • vastaus
    • reaktio
    • reaktio(tekniikka)
    • reaktio (tek.)
    • suhtautuminen
    • takaisinkytkentä-
    radio / television
    • takaisinkytkentä
    • taantumus
    * * *
    1) (the act of reacting: What was his reaction to your remarks?; I get a bad reaction from penicillin; I'd like to ask you for your reactions to these suggestions.) reaktio
    2) (a change of opinions, feelings etc (usually against someone or something): The new government was popular at first, but then a reaction began.) vastaliike
    3) (a process of change which occurs when two or more substances are put together: (a) nuclear reaction; a chemical reaction between iron and acid.) reaktio

    English-Finnish dictionary > reaction

  • 13 reaction

    nome reazione f. (anche med. chim.)
    * * *
    1) (the act of reacting: What was his reaction to your remarks?; I get a bad reaction from penicillin; I'd like to ask you for your reactions to these suggestions.) reazione
    2) (a change of opinions, feelings etc (usually against someone or something): The new government was popular at first, but then a reaction began.) reazione
    3) (a process of change which occurs when two or more substances are put together: (a) nuclear reaction; a chemical reaction between iron and acid.) reazione
    * * *
    nome reazione f. (anche med. chim.)

    English-Italian dictionary > reaction

  • 14 reaction

    1) (the act of reacting: What was his reaction to your remarks?; I get a bad reaction from penicillin; I'd like to ask you for your reactions to these suggestions.) reakcija; atbilde
    2) (a change of opinions, feelings etc (usually against someone or something): The new government was popular at first, but then a reaction began.) reakcija; pretdarbība
    3) (a process of change which occurs when two or more substances are put together: (a) nuclear reaction; a chemical reaction between iron and acid.) reakcija
    * * *

    English-Latvian dictionary > reaction

  • 15 reaction

    1) (the act of reacting: What was his reaction to your remarks?; I get a bad reaction from penicillin; I'd like to ask you for your reactions to these suggestions.) reakcija, atoveikis
    2) (a change of opinions, feelings etc (usually against someone or something): The new government was popular at first, but then a reaction began.) priešiškumas
    3) (a process of change which occurs when two or more substances are put together: (a) nuclear reaction; a chemical reaction between iron and acid.) reakcija

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > reaction

  • 16 reaction

    n. reaktion; bakslag; verkan
    * * *
    1) (the act of reacting: What was his reaction to your remarks?; I get a bad reaction from penicillin; I'd like to ask you for your reactions to these suggestions.) reaktion
    2) (a change of opinions, feelings etc (usually against someone or something): The new government was popular at first, but then a reaction began.) opposition, motstånd
    3) (a process of change which occurs when two or more substances are put together: (a) nuclear reaction; a chemical reaction between iron and acid.) reaktion

    English-Swedish dictionary > reaction

  • 17 reaction

    1) (the act of reacting: What was his reaction to your remarks?; I get a bad reaction from penicillin; I'd like to ask you for your reactions to these suggestions.) reakce, odpověď
    2) (a change of opinions, feelings etc (usually against someone or something): The new government was popular at first, but then a reaction began.) zvrat
    3) (a process of change which occurs when two or more substances are put together: (a) nuclear reaction; a chemical reaction between iron and acid.) reakce
    * * *
    • reakce
    • odpověď
    • odezva

    English-Czech dictionary > reaction

  • 18 reaction

    1) (the act of reacting: What was his reaction to your remarks?; I get a bad reaction from penicillin; I'd like to ask you for your reactions to these suggestions.) reakcia
    2) (a change of opinions, feelings etc (usually against someone or something): The new government was popular at first, but then a reaction began.) zvrat
    3) (a process of change which occurs when two or more substances are put together: (a) nuclear reaction; a chemical reaction between iron and acid.) reakcia
    * * *
    • vzájomné pôsobenie
    • vycerpanie
    • slabost
    • spätný úcinok
    • spätné pôsobenie
    • spätná väzba
    • únava
    • protiútok
    • reaktívny
    • reakcia
    • reakcný
    • ohlas
    • odpoved
    • odozva
    • okamžitý dojem

    English-Slovak dictionary > reaction

  • 19 reaction

    1) (the act of reacting: What was his reaction to your remarks?; I get a bad reaction from penicillin; I'd like to ask you for your reactions to these suggestions.) reacţie, mod de a reacţiona
    2) (a change of opinions, feelings etc (usually against someone or something): The new government was popular at first, but then a reaction began.) reacţie de respingere
    3) (a process of change which occurs when two or more substances are put together: (a) nuclear reaction; a chemical reaction between iron and acid.) reacţie

    English-Romanian dictionary > reaction

  • 20 reaction

    1) (the act of reacting: What was his reaction to your remarks?; I get a bad reaction from penicillin; I'd like to ask you for your reactions to these suggestions.) αντίδραση
    2) (a change of opinions, feelings etc (usually against someone or something): The new government was popular at first, but then a reaction began.) αντίδραση
    3) (a process of change which occurs when two or more substances are put together: (a) nuclear reaction; a chemical reaction between iron and acid.) αντίδραση

    English-Greek dictionary > reaction

См. также в других словарях:

  • reaction — [[t]riæ̱kʃ(ə)n[/t]] ♦♦ reactions 1) N VAR: usu with supp Your reaction to something that has happened or something that you have experienced is what you feel, say, or do because of it. Reaction to the visit is mixed... The initial reaction of… …   English dictionary

  • reaction — ► NOUN 1) an instance of reacting to or against something. 2) (reactions) a person s ability to respond physically and mentally to external stimuli. 3) opposition to political or social progress or reform. 4) a process in which substances… …   English terms dictionary

  • reaction — re|ac|tion W2S2 [riˈækʃən] n ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(to a situation/event)¦ 2¦(moving quickly)¦ 3¦(to food/drugs)¦ 4¦(science)¦ 5¦(change)¦ 6¦(against change)¦ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1.) ¦(TO A SITUATION/EVENT)¦ [U and C] something that you feel or do because of something… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • reaction — noun 1 TO A SITUATION/EVENT (C, U) something that you feel or do that is a result of something that has happened to you or been said to you: What was Jeff s reaction when you told him about the job? (+ to): Her parents reaction to the news was… …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • reaction — re|ac|tion [ ri ækʃn ] noun *** ▸ 1 how you react to something ▸ 2 bad effect on body ▸ 3 ability to act quickly ▸ 4 opposition to past ways ▸ 5 chemical change ▸ 6 opposition to change 1. ) count the way you feel or behave as a result of… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • Reaction — A decline in prices following an advance. Opposite of rally. The New York Times Financial Glossary * * * reaction UK US /riˈækʃən/ noun [C or U] ► the way that something happens, or that someone does something, as a result of something else:… …   Financial and business terms

  • reaction — The tendency for prices to decline after a price rise. The CENTER ONLINE Futures Glossary A decline in prices following an advance. Opposite of rally. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary A decline in prices following an advance. The opposite of a… …   Financial and business terms

  • reaction */*/*/ — UK [rɪˈækʃ(ə)n] / US noun Word forms reaction : singular reaction plural reactions 1) a) [countable] the way that you feel or behave as a result of something that happens My mother s initial reaction was quite unexpected. b) [usually singular] a… …   English dictionary

  • reaction*/*/*/ — [riˈækʃ(ə)n] noun 1) [C] the way that you feel or behave as a result of something that happens My mother s reaction was quite unexpected.[/ex] Shock is a natural reaction to such bad news.[/ex] See: knee jerk 2) [C] a bad effect on your body… …   Dictionary for writing and speaking English

  • reaction — noun 1》 an instance of reacting to or against something.     ↘(reactions) a person s ability to respond physically and mentally to external stimuli. 2》 opposition to political or social progress or reform. 3》 a process in which substances… …   English new terms dictionary

  • reaction mechanism — Introduction       in chemical reactions (chemical reaction), the detailed processes by which chemical substances are transformed into other substances. The reactions themselves may involve the interactions of atoms (atom), molecules (molecule),… …   Universalium

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